OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (June 5 – 12)

Author: Stefano Maffulli
Source: Planet OpenStack

Five things every contributor should know about the OpenStack docs project

New docs contributors may be afraid of moving too fast and breaking things – but don’t worry, you can’t. A simpler markup language and a robust community of experienced, multilingual contributors make it even easier to find what you love and dive right in. Here are five key things you need to know about documentation but were probably afraid to ask.

How the cloud can cut red tape

The paperwork for opening a business or getting unemployment benefits often feels like a game of red-light/green-light. For every bit of progress, you get pushed back to collect more documents or show those same documents to a different agency. That’s where OpenStack comes in, says Victor Lagunes, CIO, office of the president of Mexico. About 18 months ago, the Mexican government started on a path to consolidate a staggering 4,000 federal websites for 6,500 services into a single portal to rule them all.

More Post-Vancouver Summaries

Relevant Conversations

Deadlines and Contributors Notifications

Security Advisories and Notices

Tips ‘n Tricks

Open Call for Proposals

Recently Merged Specs

Subject Owner Project
Implementation of remote FS driver based on rsync for libvirt Marian Horban openstack/nova-specs
Add Quota support for Barbican resources Dave McCowan openstack/barbican-specs
Add inband RAID configuration spec for liberty Ramakrishnan G openstack/ironic-specs
Allow ip6 server search for non-admin Jens Rosenboom openstack/nova-specs
Hyper-V: Add Fibre Channel support Petrut Lucian openstack/nova-specs
Add generic RAID configuration spec for liberty Ramakrishnan G openstack/ironic-specs
Remove v3 from nova code tree Alex Xu openstack/nova-specs
Be more explicit with our review policies. Michael Still openstack/nova-specs
Neutron API evolution strategy Salvatore Orlando openstack/neutron-specs
Creating initial Liberty install guide doc specs Karin Levenstein openstack/docs-specs
Fix a bunch of typos in approved liberty specs Joe Gordon openstack/nova-specs
remove pagination effort gordon chung openstack/ceilometer-specs
Introduce address scopes Carl Baldwin openstack/neutron-specs
Implement floating IPs using stateless NAT Carl Baldwin openstack/neutron-specs
Cells instance migration Andrew Laski openstack/nova-specs
Add event notification spec Christian Schwede openstack/swift-specs
flavor access create should check public/private jichenjc openstack/nova-specs
Add liberty priorities John Garbutt openstack/nova-specs
Add spec for transport key reference Ade Lee openstack/barbican-specs
Add ironicclient version caching Michael Davies openstack/ironic-specs
Enable spoofchk control for SR-IOV ports Roman Bogorodskiy openstack/neutron-specs
New nova API call to mark nova-compute down Tomi Juvonen openstack/nova-specs
Add Crypto/HSM MKEK Rotation Support (Light) John Wood openstack/barbican-specs
iPXE dynamic configuration Lucas Alvares Gomes openstack/ironic-specs
Bare Metal Trust Using Intel TXT Tan Lin openstack/ironic-specs
Supported messaging drivers policy Clint ‘SpamapS’ Byrum openstack/openstack-specs
Adding custom scenario tests Evgeny Sikachev openstack/sahara-specs
Generic image volume cache functionality Patrick East openstack/cinder-specs
Cinder internal tenant Patrick East openstack/cinder-specs
capacity-headroom XinXiaohui openstack/cinder-specs
Monasca resource plugin for Alarm and Notification Gary Duan openstack/heat-specs
Database and User Functions for Cassandra Petr Malik openstack/trove-specs
Updates to encryption spec Alistair Coles openstack/swift-specs
Add nodes tagging support Zhenguo Niu openstack/ironic-specs
Wake-On-Lan (WOL) power driver Lucas Alvares Gomes openstack/ironic-specs
CORS Support for OpenStack Michael Krotscheck openstack/openstack-specs
Create table publishing middleware Tim Hinrichs openstack/congress-specs
Datalog-aggregates Tim Hinrichs openstack/congress-specs
horizon-policy-abstraction spec zhang yali openstack/congress-specs
Cleanup ‘scheduled_at’ from instances table Sudipta Biswas openstack/nova-specs
Add support for shared volumes between guests Tobias Engelbert openstack/nova-specs
Removes contrib entry from Designate spec Kanagaraj Manickam openstack/heat-specs
MongoDB user management commands Matthew Van Dijk openstack/trove-specs
Configuration Groups for MongoDB Petr Malik openstack/trove-specs
Configuration Groups for Redis Petr Malik openstack/trove-specs
fix wrong title for OS-INHERIT Extension spec Guojian Shao openstack/keystone-specs
Introduce flavor framework for services mark mcclain openstack/neutron-specs
Use os-brick library Walter A. Boring IV (hemna) openstack/nova-specs
Federated domain identified by “id“ not “name“ Marek Denis openstack/keystone-specs
Removing JobExecutionArgument Table Ethan Gafford openstack/sahara-specs

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Watching the rabbit event queue on an OpenStack cloud when spawning a VM

Watching the rabbit event queue on an OpenStack cloud when spawning a VM

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